Welcome to St. Mary the Virgin - Rotherhithe

Christians have worshipped on this site for at least 1000 years.
The present parish church, replacing a 12th century building, was completed in 1716. Designed by John James, an associate of Sir Christopher Wren, it has a homely grandeur with deep roots in the maritime history of Britain. The links with the 'Mayflower', with the Pilgrim Fathers, and with Prince Lee Boo of Pelau, are particularly treasured.
The organ, built and installed by John Byfield in 1764, is a superb example of 18th century English organ building. Its tonal qualities have been retained to the present day, so that its sound is much as Handel (1685-1759) and his London contemporaries would have heard and appreciated.
Memorials inside and outside the building tell of the vision and philanthropy of former worshippers, of sacrifice, and of faith in times of suffering and adversity.
St. Mary's remains a living and working church, supported by local people and serving a broad community. Though you may not be able to be with us in the flesh, we hope you enjoy your visit to this web site. There are many interesting things to reflect upon, church architecture and design, history, music, memorial poetry and lettering, even a little philately!
Please join us at our service this Sunday - all welcome ! Teas and Coffees and are always served after the service.
St. Mary Rotherhithe
The Reverend Canon Mark Nicholls
The Rectory
72A St Marychurch Street
SE16 4JE
Mobile :- 07909 546 659
Home :- 0207 394 3394
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Church Wardens:
Mr. Alan White
Mr. Bill Griffiths
Mr George White
PCC Secretary:
Mr Juan Carlos McQueenie
Services at St. Mary's:
The Parish Eucharist, Sundays at 10.00am
Evening Prayer, Sundays at 6.00p.m. (Benediction on festivals and usually the first Sunday of the month).
On weekdays the Eucharist is celebrated at the following times and places:
Tuesday 12 noon and Thursday 6 p.m. at St.Mary's.
Fridays and Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. at St. Mary's.
Wednesday 9 a.m. at Peter Hills School during term time otherwise 10a.m. at church